If you feel like you’re not improving fast enough and you feel frustrated because you practice all the time but DON'T seem to improve:
watch this video until the end.
This is the ONLY Proven 3-Step Holistic Training Program that puts you in the top 3 players of your Team In Less Than 8 Weeks
Increase your athletic creativity
Unlock your football talent
Triple the effectiveness of your hardwork
Hey footballer... (or soon-to-be baller)
I don't care if you're skinny
If you’re "un-athletic"…
Or if you’ve already tried every bogus ball mastery ‘tutorial’ you could find on YouTube…
Before you give up on your dream of becoming the 'baller' in your school, academy, or professional team
Let me tell you something…
You CAN Easily Become The Best Player on Your Team by:
And over the next few minutes, I’m going to prove it to you beyond any reasonable doubt…
Because I’m going to teach you my new 3-step, zero to 'hero' framework…
And it’s a NEW system that YOU can use to IMMEDIATELY unlock your talent and become the TOP player on your football team.
All in less than 8 weeks.
Heck, most players see BIG results in as little as just a few days…
SELF-MADE TALENT is the ONLY system I know of that’s PROVEN to turn you into the most talented player on your Team
Regardless of your age…
Height… Athleticism… Genetics…
Take a quick look at
what I mean:
Professional footballer Antonio Perosevic broke his knee, and these exact same techniques saved his career from dying..
This unique method also fixed the biomechanical mistakes that led to his injury
He hasn’t been injured in over a year and was playing at a very high level professionally in Croatia and now India
Check out this banger he scored recently:
We not only make professional players
We also help amateurs gain a new technical, physical and mental level to improve their performance in every match
Logan hasn’t been injured for 4 months since he started using the Self-Made Talent method
Keep in mind those are 100% REAL results from real amateur players just like you…
And all of them have gone into this system and come out on the other side as an athletic, strong, and technical MACHINE
And I can’t stress this enough:
This isn’t another one of those pointless Ball Mastery tutorials.
You don’t need to do heavy weight lifting,
Crazy training programs
Annoying meal plans
Or anything like that.
It’s easier and more simple.
In fact, if you stick with me for the next 3 minutes:
You’ll learn some of the technical and physical exercises that you’re probably doing are
But first I want to tell you a little more about my Self Made Talent system…
So far, I’ve helped thousands of players experience what I would consider the best feeling in the world…
Starting as a key player in every match you play for your club
And let me be clear…
I’d be a complete liar if I promised you’re going to be signed by a professional team this season...
That’s ridiculous.
But I will promise you ONE thing
If you follow this done-for-you roadmap…
Consisting of just a few simple trainings each week…
You can easily become the most talented player on your team in less than 8 weeks.
And self-develop your technique, physique and mindset to an elite professional level.
I promise you that.
Like I said, it is the best feeling in the world.
Today I’m going to share with you the roadmap to becoming great.
It’s a new 60-day ELITE technical, physical, and mental training, which I call Self-Made Talent
And if you’re willing to stick with me for just a few minutes,
I’m going to tell you everything you need to know.
Including exactly WHAT Self Made Talent is…
And most importantly:
HOW you can use this method today to become the KEY player
on your team right now
I really want you to think about THIS:
What would your life be like if you were The Only Player on your Team
That your team must have to WIN?
That’s what happened to me when I used this system for myself.
(And I’ll tell you all about that in a minute.)
But first let me just say…
When you can play as a starter consistently it feels like almost anything is possible.
And I can guarantee you NONE of this will ever happen:
So what do you think?
Would you be willing to take the next 7 minutes to learn about the PROVEN technical system that could change your game forever...
and ultimately your life?
Please think about this carefully.
Because if you’re just someone that likes the "IDEA of performing" at a high level
But never actually wants to do SERIOUS work
Do us both a favor and click the ‘X’ and leave this page for good.
If you’re someone that would rather have an ‘ordinary’ place in your team
Maybe play a couple of minutes a game…
But the only scoring and assisting you'll ever do is in the video games…
Then the Self-Made Talent system is NOT for you.
Because this is an exclusive program only for those who want to REALLY get better and unlock their talent.
Do you want to dominate your opponents on the field and stand out as the Top Player?
Let give it a go then:
First of all, I should probably introduce myself:
My name is Taylor Davidson, and not too long ago I was just like you…
I used to play Youth football in elite academies around the US & also around Europe
And later went on to play in the major leagues..
I was signed to play for a U20 team in the 1st division of Sweden when I turned 18
See I’ve traveled all around Europe and played youth football against some of the best young players you can imagine…
So trust me when I say that:
Being an explosive player with a great mindset, good technical touch and decent level of athleticism is NOT optional…
But NECESSARY to become a great Football Player
I’m only telling you this because I used to think I would make it to the Top Football level with endless hard work...
I was the perfect example of "No pain No Gain mindset" And it worked...
Until life hit me with some really tough reality checks… and all I can say is…
If it weren’t for the 3 steps in the Self-Made Talent system, which I’m about to share with you, I would NEVER be where I am now.
Let me explain…
The next season I had trials with Panathinaikos and AEK Athens in Greece.
I played the entire season as a starter with Kallithea in the second division of Greece
You’d think I would make it to other professional leagues in Europe...
Well..I fractured my foot in the warm-up before the match I was going to get my first professional contract.
This is my face after it.
Not happy.
Then I went back to Greece after I had surgery and recovered 4 months later to come back to the pitch
Well, guess what…
I fractured my foot AGAIN, which put me out for several more months
The economy also fell apart in Greece so I had to head home to the US and rebuild my football career in the college system with the purpose of winning a championship and getting back to Europe...
Over the next 6 months, I must have spent a thousand hours looking up everything I could about football training
I was obsessed with developing:
Athleticism, the right strategy and approach to the game
An Iron mindset, and the technical ability to make a difference on the pitch…
I will share
some of them with you today
Just because I know you REALLY want to develop your Football talent
I've tried everything I could find:
But none of it worked...
I was so close to accepting that
NOTHING could really help me prevent injuries while developing my Football talent.
I figured that maybe it was all genetics, that you’re either born with it or not…
I wanted to build pure strength while avoiding injuries and increase my technical and physical performance
I really wanted to be..
The ‘baller’, the key player in my first division college team in the US...
The guy who’s the captain of the team that wins tournaments
I just wanted to get out there and prove to myself that I could win a tournament and trump my injuries which overshadowed my career in Europe.
But everything changed one night when I went down a Rabbit Hole...
And before I show you this, I need you to understand...
I’m about to show you the difference-maker between Self Made Talent and just about every other football training program on the web…
It’s the ‘secret sauce' behind my 3-step system…
And it’s going to really piss a few people off.
Especially those YouTubers, who tell you to do useless isolated technical exercises, or complex training programs...
Meanwhile, they collect money from ads every time you watch their videos.
Trust me, they DON’T CARE if you ever get good,
In fact, in their eyes, it’s probably better if you don’t.
Just think about it: if you finally get better in REAL LIFE, then you stop looking up their videos…
And then:
They STOP getting paid!
I'm so sick of it.
Because over the past 10 years, I’ve spent very close to 10,000 hours refining this Self Made Talent system.
And I know the REAL WAY to get you playing as a starter in every match…
So right now, for the first time ever, I’m going to reveal this publicly:
Anyways here it goes…
That night I found a link to a scientific journal study.
And it wasn’t any ordinary study, it detailed a secret training technique which proved…
“Athletes… can… develop their talent from their childhood to improve their strength, athleticism and technical level in as little as 8 weeks.”
Can you really develop your talent in 8 weeks?
So I put it to the test...
I was skeptical when I came across this.
This Belgian training regimen can fully develop your talent and turn you into the most popular player in your academy in under 8 weeks…
They’ve done it for years and they found the key to early development
These are the secrets I extracted from their strategy:
Since 2009, the Belgian football team has soared up the FIFA’s world rankings (FIFA, 2019) from number 69 to number 1.
The Belgian team was unbeaten through the 2018 WorldCup qualifier and finished third in the tournament.
And this is the strategy they used to make it possible (Which tried to reverse-engineer Brazilian talent)
Belgium developed their footballers with a TOTALLY different approach.
So much so that nobody had any idea what they were doing...
They were doing a few things different from other leagues around the world
They didn’t neglect the players early stages of development and took key actions when the players were young...
Belgian football clubs have enjoyed MASSIVE success in developing footballers ready to compete at the highest level in Europe:
Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, and Ligue 1
They developed world-class players like Eden Hazard, Thibaut Courtois, Romelu Lukaku, Kevin de Bruyne, Dries Mertens, Axel Witsel, Jeremy Doku, and many others AT THE SAME TIME.
This is not a coincidence. These were or are some of the BEST players in football.
What did they do differently?
Although I only share all of these "secret" techniques that enabled the Belgian Federation to develop such talent to my students inside the Entangled Tribe...
I will share
some of them with you today
Just because I know you REALLY want to develop your Football talent
You don’t need fancy equipment
Or fancy coaches
Or a professional setting
Belgium has a relatively low population of 11 million people, compared to other European nations dominating football.
They are not favored by the numbers, I know you’re not either...
And let's not forget about Uruguary, one of the smallest countries in the world with TWO world cups and produces world class players year after year...
It trully doesn't matter
The secret technique is...
You need to enter Your "Flow State"
Remember when I was telling you that the purpose of Self Made Talent is to unlock your inner football potential, your athletic creativity?
This is what the Belgian trainers did with their players.
They created an environment that would force the talent to UNLOCK...
A lot of them before were not seen as potential future elite football players...
So what happened?
Thanks to the "MIP" (will explain in a minute), they learned how to enter their "Flow state".
If you don't know what the "Flow state" is, it's simply a state where :
"You are so immersed in what you were doing that all distractions and background chatter just fell away" as explained in Harvard Health Publishing review by Edward Phillips, MD.
As explained in the article, when you are in the state of "Flow":
And you can tap into higher levels of creativity, effortless movement, and performance that would be otherwise impossible to reach...
At this point, you may ask:
"Sounds great Taylor, but how can I enter my Flow state all the time?"
This is the tricky part: The "Flow state" is like a "super power" that you can activate only while performing an activity that's really challenging but not overwhelming.
It is a fine balance: If the activity is too easy, your mind doesn't need to activate it.
It would be as if you were activating the turbo in your car to only go 10miles/hour.
It doesn't make any sense
The same in the other way: If the activity is close to impossible, you'll never enter it either.
Like running a marathon when the most you've ever run at once was 2 miles.
So this is how, after analyzing the success of the Belgian players, going through numerous scientific studies AND my 15+ years of experience,
I've created a special technique "MIP" that gives you the ability to switch your brain on "Flow state" at will:
MIP: Maximal Intent Principle
The only scientific proven way to Unleash Your Potential
The Maximal Intent Principle is THE way of training that will allow you to unlock your potential.
That's the opposite of ALL the other courses, programs and tutorials that you will find online.
Because, they are advising you to overthink while playing football.
They want you to memorize and become a robot on the pitch...
Overthinking while playing is the best way to STOP you entering the "Flow state" and unleashing your talent on the football pitch.
And guess what?
Not only the Belgian players but ALL TOP FOOTBALL PLAYERS are entering the "Flow state" when they are performing at their peak performance.
How can I prove that?
When you are in the Flow state, you hardly remember what you were doing (sometimes you may even seem a bit disconnected from reality for a few seconds).
When you are in the "Flow State" you hardly think about what you're doing:
That is WHY the best football players (almost) NEVER remember every single play after the match or act a bit weird..
They are "here but not really here"
Because they were in the "Flow State"
This is why you'll see a lot of videos like this (see the thumbnail below) on YouTube.
Ignorant people will think that these Top Football Players are dumb or even a bit retarded...
But the truth is:
They were in "Flow State" sometimes for more than an hour, they just need a bit of time to get back to "normal".
The day I understood THIS, my life changed forever.
And it felt a huge relief because:
I didn't know how to unlock my athletic creativity with The Maximal Intent Principle
I was finally able to stop my infinite quest of "training harder to get better".
The famous "No Pain, No Gain" methods to get better.
It is true that you don't get results if you don't push yourself during the training.
But if you train with the WRONG method, there is really no way you will become better.
And it will be impossible to Unlock Your Full Potential.
Actually, continuing to train hard with the WRONG method is dangerous.
Training with the WRONG method leads to YOU being injuried EVERY time.
This is the reason WHY
I broke my foot TWICE
and saw my pro-career in Europe
go down the drain
If you were wondering WHY you get injured over and over again with "no idea why", now you know.
And this is WHY, you will notice in so many of my client's testimonials
That they NO LONGER get injured.
Richard Chin (who just made his first team debut!) is a perfect example of this, see for yourself:
Or Joshua that trains almost effortlessly and injury free since he knows how to enter the "Flow State":
Or Tanesh, that finally understood with Self Made Talent that he doesn't need to "work hard grind hard" to perform.
Since he is no longer overthinking and knows how to play in his "Flow State".
Thanks to that, he is "scoring goals every match":
Without using The Maximal Intent Principle,
You'll (probably) NEVER be able to enter the "Flow State" when you play
Because of that, you'll continue useless training that only leads you
to ONE result: Injury
The Maximal Intent Principle is KEY
And if you don’t start now, you’re undermining your talent
And that’s why you’re probably failing to become a recognized player within your academy or professional team...
The only way to increase your potential and become the ‘baller’ in your academy is for you to:
To follow a proven system to help you enter Your "Flow State" and eventually Unlock Your Athletic Potential
Here, I'm not talking about the "15 Best Tricks to Beat Your Defender"
You know it doesn't work because you've probably (as I did before) tried it and failed.
What you need is an holistic approach to your football.
This is the way to capitalize on your own strengths, develop your own style and fix your potential flaws.
The huge difference with an holistic approach is that it fits and embraces your own style of playing.
This is what finally helps you unlocking your potential.
At this point, you may ask me:
Why Have I Never Heard About This?
At first, I thought that I was simply the ONLY one that did the work:
All the research, trial and error combined with 15+ years of experience... that I've done lead me to discover this method.
And that may well be true.
But when we see what the Belgians did, well there is another obvious reason:
WHY would they share
their best training methods
outside of their club?
It is smart for them to NOT share it,
Thanks to that they will keep their UNFAIR advantage in the next World cups and other tournaments...
This is how Belgium went from the 71st football team in the world to become the best football team on Earth according to FIFA in 2016
So it's completely normal to NOT share the method behind their amazing results...
Nobody can blame them for that!
But here is the good news:
I don't train any specific teams.
I train only individuals.
so I can help ANY football player
that requires my help
This is why I help Pro players from so many different teams around the world.
Like Leandro Elvestad who signed his first pro contract and is getting national team caps...
Leandro feels like he
"got so much quicker, less injured and felt better on the pitch".
Now he has even
signed a pro contract...
Self Made Talent
The Only Method that can guarantee that you'll have exactly what you need to go from always being on the bench to being a key player in your Team in just 8 weeks
And I wanted to put it all into an easy-to-follow plan.
That’s why I’ve spent countless hours compiling everything that I know to create the perfect plan.
How to train your "Flow State" to become the Key Player on Your Team in less than 8 weeks.
When you join
Self Made Talent:
you don't have to buy any fancy accessories
EVERY Training can be done WITHOUT any equipment or access to a Gym
and it's 100% safe
Self Made Talent is not only the most effective way to fulfill your potential and become a key player for your school,
But it’s the safest.
Because inside Self Made Talent you are not doing any heavy weight lifting that has very little transfer to sport (we are not here to damage your body).
Self Made Talent is designed to Unlock Your Potential in a NATURAL way with injury-free trainings.
So that means no weights or other fancy training regimes.
And no BS obviously:
Here the 3 Simple Steps
that You will Follow when
You join Self Made Talent:
The first step is the only step where I will speak a bit about the theory of the Maximal Intent Principle.
Basically, I need to remove from your head all the false beliefs that you have about training, dieting or mindset that you may have learned through "YouTube Tutorials".
You will understand why you can activate your Flow State at will and how it will unlock your potential.
Now, I'm gonna share with you HOW, WHEN and WHAT you will have to train using the Maximal Intent Principle.
This is the part where you actually start training.
At that moment, it usually "clicks in your brain" why you used to keep getting injured.
Then you'll quickly see your endurance on the Football pitch and technical level go through the roof while not getting injured.(That was literally my dream years ago)
This is where the real magic happens.
The only thing that I will ask you to unlock your potential is:
No need to train like a psycho for hours, you would just get injured.
By entering your "Flow State", you will effortlessly unlock new patterns of moving on the football pitch.
Thanks to that, you'll become more unpredictable for your opponents and you'll be less tired during a game.
Basically, you'll be more athletic by training less while football becomes more enjoyable.
After finishing step 2, you'll be the only guy smiling while playing,
Compared to all the guys using the wrong robotic, muscle driven methods of training.
The final phase of the program is the ‘Post-Flow phase’.
Think of this as the icing on top…
Where everything your body ‘learned’ in steps 1 and 2 becomes cemented in your brain, motor movements and fascial connections…
Thanks to that, you'll no longer "try to enter the Flow State" but ALWAYS be on the Flow state when you play.
You'll become built different like elite footballers.
This is how your potential will be completely unlocked.
Ready to be called on at any time so that you can rise up and score stunning goals or make key assists and play a very important role in your team
Step 3 will make sure everything you’ve learned and applied is actually GOOD for your development
If it hasn’t been done correctly, the Flow phase will tell you HOW to do it right.
On this last step, we will correct all your mistakes and redirect you into the RIGHT way of doing things
This is the most exciting time of the program…
Now, You Will:
I've already showed you dozens of 8-week Talent transformations from some of our members inside.
If that's not enough...
Take a look at this photo.
The principles that I'm sharing with You inside of Self Made Talent got me a football scholarship to a Division 1 college...
And even became the captain...
And I accomplished REAL success at the D1 College level
I finally won the Big West Championship
I achieved my goal:
I rebuilt my career and won a D1 league Championship... getting to fly around playing in huge stadiums and come back with a trophy
Those experiences allowed me to unveil the REAL factors needed to fully develop your talent...
If I couldn’t develop my talent like this, I really don’t know where I’d be:
I know how painful it feels to sit on the bench during a game...
The humiliation and embarrassment of being left on the side and not being able to show what your worth...
So I can tell you that becoming the key player on your team that everyone looks up to...
Feels amazing and I want you to enjoy that too.
But in order to get there,
you need to Learn How To Access Your "Flow State" to first unleash
Your Inner Potential
All you have to do is:
Try Self Made Talent Today
I want you to be one of the lucky few who try my new 3-step Self-Made Talent system today.
And I suggest you hurry, because there’s a limited number of seats available...
We only want serious, driven footballers who are ready to be successful.
And just to recap, Self Made Talent can take you from the bench to being the baller on your team in just under 8 weeks.
And remember it’s the only program of it’s kind…
Because it actually zeroes in on your athleticism, technical ability and strategic understanding of the game
While giving you a clear mechanism to improve, fix your mistakes, prepare better, avoid injuries and easily improve your performance...
I need you to understand
how seriously I take this program:
This isn’t one of those YouTube playlists where you can just watch a few tutorials, skip a few…
It’s a very clearly scheduled 8-week training regimen.
Like I said earlier, this is not a complicated program.
And it’s not that tough (remember – we’re working smart, not hard).
To start:
But - you do need just ONE THING:
If You Follow THIS,
I can PROMISE You that:
And it all starts with my
Self Made Talent program.
Now in case, you haven’t guessed by now…
Access to the Self-Made Talent training system is NOT free.
Between all the cash I spent doing the research, hiring a team to film and edit the videos, creating and hosting websites, producing and publishing the training manuals…
I’d estimate I’ve already spent over $24,000 and countless hours to create this unique course.
Now, I can’t charge you $24,000 for Self Made Talent…
Even though it’s cost me a lot to make it available to you.
So today I’ve lined up a very special price for Self Made Talent.
And if you take me up on it now, I know you’re going to love it.
But before I tell you the awesome deal I have lined up for you, let me throw in a few more things to really make this a no brainer…
You get ALL These 3 FREE Gifts When You Try Self Made Talent Today!
Athletic Fundamentals
If you transform your feet, you transform your body.
Most footballers have dysfunctional feet which hold back their technique and cause injuries and poor performances.
Elite footballers have extremely well-functioning feet.
And you can become like them.
Most footballers move too much like a robot and set themselves up for years of injury.
You need to learn how to move in spirals like top footballers do.
This specific course was reserved for my private community members (The Entangled Tribe)
But because I want you to get faster results, I offer you "Athletic Fundamentals" if you join Self Made Talent Today.
Having the right nourishment is KEY for you to be able to give your best performances in the trainings and matches
And no, meal prepping and properly eating is NOT complicated.
The truth is:
BS coaches are trying to sell you general meal plans, supplements, and fad diets (like Keto, Paleo, Carnivore or even Vegan... name one, you got the point).
Which are not prepared by REAL professionals who understand the holistic nature of the human body..
Because every time YouTubers or Researchers find a new “miracle diet”, they know it's a trendy topic which means more views, more money, or a new supplement they can create.
Unfortunately, it doesn't mean that it works.
In the “Cellular Regeneration Masterclass”, I’m going to cover all the foods and meal plans that will help you increase your energy, build muscle, improve your performance, avoid all types of injuries, and begin the process of reversing ageing.
Simple and effective, you will change your way of eating without having to deprive yourself of tasty real food.
Because we focus on REAL FOOD
When you join Self Made Talent Today, it's FREE
As I told you before, I’ve tried all the different methods to help your muscles recover faster, avoid injuries to train more, and become a great footballer
Cryo therapy, massage, shockwave therapy, cupping, red light therapy, acupuncture... name me any “weird” recovery method, I’ve tried it.
From the least to the most expensive,
What are the BEST methods that get you the BIG changes to recover like a beast so you can get back to training?
I’ve condensed ALL my knowledge inside Recovery Mastery.
Get it for FREE Today by joining Self Made Talent.
Plus if you take me up on my offer to join SELF MADE TALENT before the countdown reaches 0:
I’m going to really sweeten the deal by throwing this PREMIUM BONUS…
The best training program in the world is worth NOTHING if you don't follow it.
So, to prevent you having to rely on your willpower too much, I've included a simple weekly email check-in system that increases your consistency and thus results through solid behavioral psychology.
We’ve got your back!
That's a TOTAL of
$1,238 in FREE bonuses
But when you agree to try Self Made Talent right now, you won’t pay anywhere near that…
Because I really want to give you the best deal possible.
Still, when we're dealing with something as special as these technical secrets, I can’t just give this information out to everyone.
And if I set a low price tag on Self Made Talent, guess what?
Everyone would buy it.
That devalues the information…
And the next thing you know, all of these fake YouTubers, which you already know are misleading footballers, would take the whole Self Made Talent system…
Put it on their channel and make advertising money off my research and PROVEN methods...
I’ve seen it happen before.
And I’m not gonna let it happen to me.
Because everyone who’s already joined Self Made Talent would be pissed.
I don't want tons of mad football players sending me angry emails…
I'd rather have a select few who are very, very happy (and skilled!) players inside the program.
With that in mind, I'm keeping distribution of Self Made Talent as small as possible and protected from the masses.
That's why I have to keep my prices relatively high…
So I hope you understand why the published price of Self-Made Talent will soon cost you $138.
Now considering how much this system can impact your talent development
And put you on the starter team of your academy, school, or even professional team in less than 8 weeks
Plus, the $1,238 in free bonuses…
Is $138 Really Such a High Price?
Can You Really Put a Price Tag on the ability to be The KEY player in your club?
Would you be willing to pay $138 to be a guaranteed "superstar" on your team?
To score stunners in front of your whole school…?
I mean what do you pay for a new pair of football shoes?
$220 for a pair of Adidas?
$230 for a pair of Nike?
Sure they make you look and feel cool on the field..
But let me ask you…
How much has a pair of shoes ever REALLY changed your game?
I’ve played football for over 15 years, and I don’t know anyone that’s ever gotten a scholarship or professional contract for wearing pricy shoes.
But I know plenty of people who’ve gotten full rides or professional contracts for their football ability and athleticism
Myself included…
I received somewhere around $32,000 in tuition money just because of my technical, physical, and strategic skills
All because of this Self Made Talent system
And I got paid much more than that to play in the pros…
So please understand, that what I'm sharing to you in Self Made Talent is very valuable.
And I’m dying to see how much it could change your life…
So I’m going to do something very special for a limited time because I want you try it today.
If you agree to try out Self Made Talent today, I’m going to give you the best price I’ve ever offered…
I know you’re going to love this special rate.
First, take one last look over EVERYTHING you’ll receive when you agree to try Self Made Talent today.
Access to my system
Self Made Talent
Once you sign up, I will IMMEDIATELY email you access to the Self Made Talent members only website.
There you can find EVERYTHING including training videos, worksheets, and all the details behind the step-by-step workout plan that will have you in the top players of your team in less than 8 weeks.
You’ll find that every video is very easy to follow along in the Self Made Talent system…
so you can be rest assured you’re doing everything 100% correctly.
You’ll find additional specific tips, tricks, and techniques I’ve perfected over the past 10 years to improve your athleticism and technical ability for the absolute best results in your performance...
Weekly Check-ins
How lame would I be if I just gave you access and that was the last you ever saw of me?
Don’t worry, that’s not what’s happening here…
When you sign up for Self Made Talent, it’s just the beginning of our relationship together…
Every week I’m going to send a few emails your way because I want to make sure you’re staying on track.
I’ll also be around to answer specific questions and give feedback.
The total value of Self Made Talent and the 3 bonuses offered in Masterclass is:
The total value of Self Made Talent and the 3 bonuses offered in Masterclass is:
Oh and one more thing…But I can only 100% promise this if you sign up today.
Self Made Talent is
a One-of-a-Kind Program…
Look, I just want this to be the easiest decision you’ll ever make.
I’ve told you that by implementing the techniques you’ll find inside Self-Made Talent you can easily expect to improve your skill level and become the KEY player on your football team...
And because I want you to make this decision today…
If you sign up for a risk-free trial of Self Made Talent today, I’ll knock 50% off the listed price.
That means you’ll get instant access to everything inside the Self Made Talent system.
AND I’ll send you EVERYTHING else I just told you about all for the low, low price of only $67.
That’s over $2237 in value
for just a fraction of the price
And I’m so confident that Self Made Talent will radically change your football game in 8 weeks or less that I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.
Now look, if you seriously do this program, execute every single action item, and you absolutely DON'T become a key player in the next 8 weeks (that hardly ever happens by the way).
I will send you a 100% refund.
No questions asked.
All you need to do is send me a quick email with the subject line ‘Refund Request’…
and the money is yours.
There’s nothing to lose.
And everything to gain…
If you only do some of the things, don't give your best effort, and lazily give up....
I will HOLD YOU accountable like any good coach should!
So what do you think…
Is $67 worth the life-changing opportunity to finally become
THE Most Important
Player of Your Team?
It’s your call, but it’s time to make a decision…
And Like They Say…
“The Worst Decision Is No Decision”
Here is everything
You Will Have Access to
When You Join
Self Made Talent NOW:
PRICE: $138
NOW: $67
The way I see it
you have 3 options:
You can do absolutely nothing…
Even after everything I’ve showed you today…
The Self Made Talent system…
The Belgian research…
The Maximal Intent Principle for world class talent development
If you want to pretend the facts don’t exist, that’s ok.
But when you get replaced by that average looking guy in your next game, you’ll always have to wonder if he went through Self Made Talent
And maybe he did.
So option #1 is you can walk away and wonder “what if” for the rest of your life…
Risk Everything By Going At It Alone
You can take what you learned today and go at it alone…
And good for you.
At least I’ve given you a ton of information today…
so I’d say you’re much better off than most.
Now you know a lot of YouTube videos and so-called ball mastery ‘experts’ will lead you to dead ends.
So you could try to spend your time going through all of the Belgian research like I did to develop your talent…
It will probably take you a long time…
Like I said, it took me thousands of hours to compile everything…
Plus it took even longer to optimize Self Made Talent for the maximum results in the minimum time (5+ years of testing and research!)
But if you’re someone that would rather spend a lot more time…
Doing a LOT more work… just to save a small amount of cash…
Well, then that’s your choice and I’m perfectly fine with that.
Just know, it took me over 5 years AFTER finding the Belgian research to finally perfect and finalize the Self Made Talent system.
Take one tiny action today…
And it could have one of the greatest possible impacts on your life.
All you need to do is click the ‘ACCESS NOW’ button right now.
I’ve already done all the hard work for you. (That’s what you’re paying me for, after all!) All you need to do is follow this done-for-you roadmap… consisting of just a few training routines a week…
And you can see as much as an increased technical ability and improved athleticism in the first 7 days!
And a key role as the ‘baller’ over the course of the next 8 weeks.
There are already plenty of people inside the Self Made Talent program who thought they were “weren't good enough”…
Too “unathletic”…
And “didn’t understand how to play a key role in the field”.
And they’re all recognized as the ‘ballers’ in their teams now
So WHY shouldn't you?
Why not take the risk-free opportunity to increase your technical ability, improve your athleticism and...
Gain a KEY role within your school’s team in the next 8 weeks with Self Made Talent
And most people see results MUCH faster.
But the clock is ticking…So what are you waiting for?
Simply click the “ACCESS NOW” button below and let’s get started.
I’m looking forward to watching your amazing goals, passes and defensive moves…
See you inside
Here is everything
You Will Have Access to
When You Join
Self Made Talent NOW:
PRICE: $138
NOW: $67
P.S. Don’t forget all the cool bonuses you get when you sign up for Self Made Talent today…
Including the exclusive "Athletic Fundamentals"…
This usually retails for $497… but today I’m giving it away for FREE.
In total Self Made Talent has taken nearly 5 years to put together…
And today you can take advantage of 5 years of football wisdom for the low price of $67.
I’ve already helped over 1200 students take their football skills to the next level…
And I want YOU to be next.
So don’t hesitate…
This offer expires soon.
And you can’t get Self Made Talent anywhere else…
So click ACCESS NOW and join today
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